How One Scene in The Godfather Foreshadowed Robert DeNiro’s Oscar-Winning Career

Among the periodicals I read regularly are the Journal of Strength and Conditioning, the Journal of Clinical Oncology, and Cracked.

While the Journal of Clinical Oncology never fails to amuse, Cracked often relates fascinating bits of information that cannot be gleaned elsewhere. For example, these “5 Creepiest Coincidences in Movie Casting History.”

The one coincidence that truly waggled my uvula is rooted in a scene in the original Godfather film where Don Vito is shot by the fruit stand. In the background is a poster of a fighter. Guess which one?

Here’s the scene:

Imagine a young Robert DeNiro sitting in a movie theater somewhere watching that scene.

2 thoughts on “How One Scene in The Godfather Foreshadowed Robert DeNiro’s Oscar-Winning Career

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